Renewable Energy Projects

Renewable Energy Financing

The industry has disrupted the century-old energy industry by directly providing renewable electricity to business owners, where they create affordable, clean energy and gain independence from utility bills.

Our systems are designed to meet your individual home and business energy goals. With our expert designers, we work custom-fit fit the system to generate and store power to match your exact need. The company makes solar energy easy by caring for everything from design and permitting to monitoring and maintenance.

With the rising trend of green energy diversification in Kenya and the rising demand for solar energy products and services, Yocean has taken up the opportunity to venture into this promising field, earning the “Green” label.

In 2023, Yocean Group donated a 13kW solar standalone project to MCEDO Beijing School Mathare Constituency.

The project was a donation to support the region’s most vulnerable communities.

The project will be used to renovate a school for young learners.

Yocean Group Ltd, an investor in the energy sector, has picked it up to support in implementing this initiative, in line with our corporate social responsibility.